- Difficult decisions become an insightful journey!

"I loved using this framework: it forced me to think creatively and emotionally about my options. This brought up thoughts that I hadn't considered on my pros and cons list! A strong method for tackling a big decision."
Co-founder, Femstory & Business Owner, Kartenmacherei

"The kangaroo method helped me take a step back from my thinking mind and made me connect my subconscious thought processes with my conscious ones. It also uncovered thoughts and motivations that I hadn't expected. It helped me to see the big picture much clearer, understand what does success mean to me and what do I want to do to get there. Highly recommend this method for decision making! It was really deep, but fun!"
Co-Founder and Managing Director, Swapster

This method helped me choose between three options for a big life decision, by allowing me to consider the subconscious factors including my values and emotional inclination, in addition to a standard fact-based pro-con list. The kangaroo method along with the coaching with Julia enabled me to reach the clarity I needed to decide on one option (which I chose and am actually happy with). Highly recommend giving this method a try for your complicated personal decisions which have not been easy to decide.
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), Power Technology Research
I recently talked with a friend who's globally responsible for HR in her company. Here's what she asked:
What Topics is the Kangaroo method suited for?
You can use the Kangaroo method for almost all private and professional decisions.
Very common: What should be my next professional step! But also the following questions have been tested with the method and let to deep insights and clarity:
Found a company
Selection of company name
Expert versus management track (Find this example below)
Should I decide for a sabbatical?
Buy an apartment or not
where to travel
Selection of investment possibilities
even “do I want to continue my love relationship"!
How do I have to formulate the decision?
The Kangaroo method works with any decision which has 2 or more options.
Decisions between A and B: e.g. „Should I stay in my current job or change the company?“.
Decisions between several options: e.g. „Should I stay in my current job, go into management in my current company, change into another area or change the company?“.
A Yes-no-decision has 2 options and works of course as well.
Is the method suited for everybody? Everybody can use the method. My testing runs also showed that rational thinkers benefit a lot from it. So even if you have made your pro con list already, be assured you will have new and deeper insights and gain clarity!
How much clarity gain can I expect?But my test runs showed an increase of at least 20-30% - and often even 70-80%.
Why does the method work that well?
Think of pro con list - a typical decision tool: You're brain is mostly stuck in the thoughts around your topic. E.g. you think about a professional decision and you will think of current advantages and disadvantages and your relates experiences - but mostly not very much further. The Kangaroo method forces you to "jog" to areas in your brain which seem unrelated at first but which uncover the important and new insights. Therefore you will get to know a lot more about you and your decision and gain clarity.
Why is the name Kangaroo method?
I have to confess this is not very deep! When I started the development of the method I simply called it "Items out of a bag". Then one eveneing pre-Covid I went to the cinema to watch a movie by Marc-Uwe Kling. The protagonist is a kangaroo, who finds all kinds of different items in its bag... That's why :D
Last, but not least: What's important when I sit down and run through the method?
3 sthings:
Go step by step. Really: Follow the process even if you want to jump to the next steps quickly! :)
Don't quit weird questions, but make your brain work. The weirder, the better. These questions often bring break-throughs and surprising insights!
Take your time to breath in between and drink etc. You really do some brainjogging and this can be exhausting. But its worth it!